Friday, February 11, 2011

our irritations we face in our grooming everyday

Ingrown Hairs

These appear as small bumps, most often on the face scalp. Poor shaving and cleansing of the skin can cause the hair to curl over within the follicle instead of exiting the skin. Ingrown hairs are prevented by proper cleansing of the skin and proper shaving techniques (for more on shaving, click the HERE). Persistent problems with ingrown hairs should be treated under the advice of a dermatologist.


This is an inflammatory skin disease which commonly appears on the knees, elbows, and scalp. The cause of Psoriasis is unknown and it is not contagious. The lesions are round, dry patches covered with coarse, silvery scales. Psoriasis can be a difficult problem and should be treated by a dermatologist.

Razor Bumps

Highly common among African American men, razor bumps occur when curly hair is cut close and growns back into the skin. The best treatement for razor bumps is to let the beard grow out and shave less. Proper shaving techniques can also prevent razor bumps. For more on shaving, click the "Shaving Advice" button to the left.

Razor Burn

A hot, red irritation of the skin caused by poor shaving techniques (most often excessive shaving and poor blade lubrication). For more on shaving

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